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Impermeable Seam Dataset

This dataset contents images of impermeable seams in multilayered aseptic packages. At multilayered aseptic packages, there are two kind of seams: transversal and longitudinal. But, because unsteady longitudinal seams emerge different results, this kind of flaw should be analyzed in two categories: HTHP (high temperature and high pressure) and LTLP (low temperature and low pressure). By help of DIMES company, this dataset is prepared.
Data Content
There are 3 zip files and in all them, 65+65+75=205 image (.jpg) records. Each zip file includes two classes (as unsteady and steady) for classification.
Dataset Details

FOR Transverse seams (Transverse.zip)
First fourty four images (from 1.jpg to 44.jpg) are 1, others are 0

FOR Longitudinal seams - High Temperature and High Pressure (Long_high.zip)
First thirty five images (from 1.jpg to 35.jpg) are 1, others are 0.

FOR Longitudinal seams - Low Temperature and Low Pressure (Long_low.zip)
First thirty five images (from 1.jpg to 35.jpg) are 1, others are 0.

Relevant Papers
Kemal Adem, Umut Orhan, Mahmut Hekim, "Image processing based quality control of the impermeable seams in multilayered aseptic packages", Expert Systems with Applications, vol.42, no.7, pp.3785-3789, 2015 - Link

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