- Software Lab. 1
The laboratory is used in elective courses. There are 45 computers hosting the software used in the courses.
- Software Lab. 2
The laboratory is used in laboratory hours of software courses such as Algorithms and Programming 1&2, Data Structures, and Object Oriented Programming. There are 61 PCs with software used in related courses and dual operating systems (Linux and Windows).
- Control and Automation Lab.
Control and Automation Laboratory is a unit which applied and theoretical research made in the fields of control systems and robotics. In the laboratory, there are a Coupled Tank System, a Mentor system, a Modular Servo System and a Digital Pendulum Controller. It is currently being used by graduate students and is planned to be used in future courses related to control.
- iCAD Lab.
Intelligent devices are designed with innovative approaches to some real-world problems. With 3D modeling and printing, appropriate designs are made for these problems, and intelligent solutions are produced with embedded system supported circuits and software. Click for information.